
An online presence is essential for your business in the 21st century. Many people have the perception that social media is all they need to provide an online presence. It is however very difficult to provide comprehensive information about your business and products using social media. To do this you need a well designed, and reliable website.

I can provide the following services:

  • Consult on the appropriate hosting for your organisation
    • Shared web hosting - setup and management
    • Dedicated hosting - setup and management
    • Cloud based hosting - setup and management at various providers
    • On premises hosting - apache or nginx (intranet hosting)
  • Consult on the appropriate platform for your website: I am familiar with, and use the platforms below
    • Wordpress and Managed Wordpress - Wordpress is the most popular platform at the moment
    • Ghost - Ghost is a very fast easy to use platform based on node.js
    • Hugo - Hugo generates static websites and can be hosted almost anywhere.
  • Configure your hosting and website platform

I also offer turnkey domain registration and hosting at MenuSiS Technologies Shop or alternative site MenuSiS Technologies Secure Server. If you are interested in doing your own cloud based hosting I recommend Vultr (referral link). If you are unable to, or do not want to do it on your own please contact me for assistance via e-mail.